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How volunteering works


In exchange for committing to a 4 hour shift, volunteers get to shop before the public. You do NOT have to sell to volunteer!


Volunteer registration opens: March 1st at 9 am

Volunteers' presale: March 28th 5:30-9:00 pm

Volunteer/Seller half price sale shopping time: 1-4 (public starts at 1:30)


Who can volunteer?

Anyone who wants to shop early and have fun! Whether you're a parent, grandparent, daycare provider, or anyone else who has a need to shop for children's items, we'd love to have you! If you have a specific concern about volunteering, such as a physical limitation, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to work with you to find an accommodation if possible.


We are unable to allow any children to accompany you to your volunteer shift due to safety reasons. If you're a nursing mother who needs to feed or pump for your child, we are happy to allow you to have your child brought to you to nurse, or to take a break to pump. Please let us know ahead of time if you'll need to do this as there are some shifts that are more suited to this need. If you'd like to bring a child 12 or older to help at the sale, please contact us before the sale so we may determine if that is an appropriate time for your child to be at the sale.


A full list of available positions can be found when you register as a volunteer. This list gives you an idea of the sorts of spot we need to fill for each sale.


Flyer Distribution:

Little Britches supplies flyers and signs to sites around town. Flyer packets will be mailed to you and you will have approximately 2 weeks to post them at the proper locations. This earns one pre-sale pass.


Security/Carry out help

We need muscle! We need volunteers who are able to act as security and help with larger items. This job requires heavy lifting. Earns one presale pass.


Checkout scanner/Helper

Checkout scanners will scan items on our computer system to ring up shopper (don't worry, it's super easy and we will teach you how to use it! This position doesn't have to handle any money) Helpers will be assisting the scanner in organizing items for ringing up and bagging items. If you have a friend you'd like to volunteer with, you can sign up together and we can put you on the same register.This job earns one presale pass each.


Sales floor: 

Depending on your shift, these volunteers may be asked to set up clothing racks, collect and sort items, work the hold area, bag items, man the checkout line, or clean-up. This job may require heavy lifting and you'll spent most of the shift on your feet. Earns one pre-sale pass.


Door receipt checkers:

This volunteer will be at the door to check receipts for the "paid" stamp. This can be a seated position. Earns one pre-sale pass.



If you like to organize and sort - this is the shift for you! This volunteer may also be disassembling clothing racks and putting away tables during this shift. This may require lifting and will require you to be on your feet for most of the shift. Earns one presale pass.


Premiere volunteer program


We allow a limited number of "premiere volunteers" each sale. These volunteers work at least two shifts, and in exchange, they are able to shop at the premiere volunteer shopping time at 3:30 pm. This is an opportunity limited to volunteers who've been with us before to prevent abuse and to reward the volunteers who keep coming back! If you are interested in being a premiere volunteer please contact us.


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